Events & News

Past Events

Tuesday, 11 February 2025
ASA Section on Cultural Sociology: The Culture & Contemporary Life Talk Series – Gender, Religion, & Nationalism in Global Perspective (recording)

Tuesday, 13. February 2024, 11 am – 12:30 pm
Indonesia at Crossroads: Development, Infrastructure, and the State of Democracy
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Headquarters Berlin and Online

Wednesday, 18 October 2023, 1 pm – 8 pm
Indonesian Studies Day @ IAAW
The first Indonesian Studies Day at the Institute of Asian and African Studies (IAAW) reaches out to the public and discusses relevant topics of contemporary Indonesian society and politics.
Special Event: Film Screening and Discussion “The Exiles (Eksil)” with Producer Lola Amaria (5 pm) Institute of Asian and African Studies, Invalidenstr. 118, 10115 Berlin, Room 117

Monday, 13 September 2023, 6.30 pm
Talk and Discussion with Andreas Harsono: The Rise of Intolerant Islam in Indonesia

Tuesday, 9 May 2023, 6.30 pm
Talk and Discussion with Lian Gogali: Women as Peacemakers – Strengthening Indonesia’s Democracy

Wednesday, 2 November 2022, 9 am
Online Talk: Decolonizing Gender Identities in Indonesia: Bissu Community in South Sulawesi by Petsy Jessy Ismoyo
Discussant: Dr. Wikke Jansen, Moderator: Mutmainna Syam

Thursday, 29.9.2022
Panel on “Everyday Border Making Practices: Intersections of Migration, Democracy, and Nationalism” at the RePLITO Conference 2022: “Living Together / Looking Apart”

Monday, 26.9.2022
Reading and Discussion with Feby Indirani: Feminism, Islam, and Democracy in Indonesia

International Mother Language Day 2022 at IAAW: Living Together in Multilingual Societies (21st February 2022, more information)

  • ,,We don’t use that word” – The Political Vocabulary of Muslim Feminists in Indonesia,
    Saskia Schäfer, Leona Pröpper
  • The Language and Politics of Exclusion: Public debates on LGBTIQ* people in Indonesia and Turkey, Wikke Jansen, Mehmet Keserli & Saskia Schäfer

Tuesday, 22.2.2022
Lesung & Gespräch: Demokratie per Zufallsauswahl mit Katharina Liesenberg & Linus Strothmann

November 2021 – December 2021
Digital Lecture Series “Democracy and Religious Education in Indonesia”

  • Megan Brankley Abbas: Whose Islam? The Western University and Modern Islamic Thought in Indonesia.
  • Azmil Tayeb: Islamic Education and Multiple Facets of Islam in Indonesia.
  • Talk by Yanwar Pribadi: Sekolah Islam (Islamic Schools) and Urban Indonesian Muslims.
  • Lian Gogali: Critical Education as a basis of Social Movements.
  • Irfan L. Sarhindi: The Politics of Moderation, Digitalized Islamic Education, and the Future of Indonesia’s Democracy and Inter-Religious Tolerance

Online Opening of Virtual Exhibition “Religion in a Plural Society: Indonesian Perspectives” organized by the research group “Democracy and Interfaith Initiatives” funded by the Berlin Center for Global Engagement, Berlin University Alliance.

Talk hosted by the Center for Global Asia, NYU Shanghai:
Saskia Schäfer: The Construction of “Mainstream Islam”: the Politics of Orthodoxy and Nationalism in post-1998 Indonesia

Monday, 4 October, 4.45 pm CET
A panel discussion hosted by the Conference of the DVPW-Comparative Politics Section: “Comparative Politics and Area Specialization: Making the tensions productive” 
Chair: Norma Osterberg-Kaufmann and Saskia Schäfer, both Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Thursday, 21 January 2021, 4-6 pm
Lecture by Dr. Ferdiansyah Thajib on Violent Care: The Affective Dimensions of Anti-LGBT Campaigns in Indonesia organized by Dr. Rosa Cordillera A. Castillo and Dr. Saskia Schäfer (Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-University Berlin)

Tuesday, 27 October
Saskia Schäfer gave a talk at the virtual launching of the journal “Islam Nusantara”

Wednesday, 17 June 2020, 7-9 pm
Online discussion and book launch (held in German): “Zwischen Repression und Opposition – Indonesische Studierende in Deutschland zwischen 1965 und 1998“, in cooperation with Watch Indonesia! e.V.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Talk by Saskia Schäfer on “Autocratization in Indonesia in Comparative Perspective” at the Workshop “Rising Democracies, Interrupted” organized by Prof. Dr. Brigitte Weiffen (University of São Paulo) at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo

Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 6 pm Humboldt University Berlin, Dorotheenstr 24
Film Screening and Artist Talk: Taste of Hope by Dr Laura Coppens

Thursday, 26 September 2019, 6 pm, Humboldt University Berlin, Institute of Asian and African Studies
Talk by Dr Merlyna Lim (Carleton University), in cooperation with the department Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region (Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin)
Legally Brown: Living and Researching Media/Politics in the Critical Spaces

Thursday, 12 September 2019, EuroSEAS 2019, Humboldt University Berlin
Panel Conveners: Merlyna Lim (Carleton University) & Saskia Schäfer (Humboldt University Berlin)
Mediating and Mediatizing Political and Religious Authorities

Wednesday, 14 August 2019, 7-9 p.m, Leipzig University, Café Alibi (Beethovenstraße 6)
Film Screening and Discussion, in cooperation with Watch Indonesia! e.V.
Screening Religion: “Mata tertutup (The Blindfold)” by Garin Nugroho

Dr Saskia Schäfer discusses the Council of Indonesian Islamic Scholars with Dr Dirk Tomsa at the Talking Indonesia Podcast
Dr Saskia Schäfer – The Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI)

April – June 2019, Humboldt University Berlin, Institute of Asian and African Studies
Lecture Series: Why Do Elections Matter? Analyzing the 2019 Elections in Indonesia, India, Tunisia and Turkey


Leona Pröpper co-wrote an article on the Indonesian capital move: “Neue Hauptstadt, Alte Probleme”.

Saskia Schäfer’s article “Islam Nusantara: The Conceptual Vocabulary of Indonesian Diversity” has been published and is freely accessible here.

Saskia Schäfer reviewed John Sidel’s “Republicanism, Communism, Islam: Cosmopolitan Origins of Revolution in Southeast Asia” for the New Left Review.

We congratulate our team member Leona Pröpper on receiving a Master’s degree scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes).

We congratulate our team member Dissa Julia Paputungan on receiving a PhD scholarship by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Saskia Schäfer’s article on Southeast Asian Area Studies has been published and is freely accessible here.

Saskia Schäfer’s article “Democratic Decline in Indonesia: The Role of Religious Authorities” was shortlisted for the 2019 William L. Holland Prize and is now freely accessible on the website of Pacific Affairs.

Saskia Schäfer has published a commentary in the German Journal “Forschung” on competition and democracy in the German higher education system: Wettbewerbs- und Konformitätsdruck: Welches Wissenschaftssystem kann sich eine demokratische Gesellschaft leisten?”